Women’s Bill of Rights
San Jose City Council unanimously votes to move forward with a CEDAW Ordinance

Thanks to the Vice Mayor’s leadership and vision, today all of the City Council members voted unanimously to move forward with a Women’s Bill of Rights Ordinance (of course this is a very short version of everything we did!). This is a big victory for all of us but most importantly this is a huge victory for all women living in this area and beyond.
CEDAW Ordinance for San Jose passed by the City Council
Women’s Bill of Right in San Jose Moves Forward!
CEDAW Task Force Meets with Vice Mayor M. Carrasco
CEDAW’s Task Force for city of San Jose
A Treaty for Women’s Equality
A Treaty for Women’s Equality:Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) is a landmark international agreement that affirms principles of fundamental…