Welcome to The Voices of Women for Change

ژينا به معنى زندگى تازه است

ژينا به معنى زندگى تازه است
English Svenska Originalspråk(current) Woman Life Freedom – Voices from an upprising 5 min...

Voices of Women for Change Women’s Equality Day fundraiser

Voices of Women for Change Women’s Equality Day fundraiser
To purchase tickets click here:  https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/6339165  

No to Warmongering: Statement of 360 Iranian Civil Rights Activists Against War

No to Warmongering: Statement of 360 Iranian Civil Rights Activists Against War
Saying No To Warmongering In a situation where tensions between Iran and Israel...

Book Review: The Prison Letters by Nasrin Sotoudeh

Book Review: The Prison Letters by Nasrin Sotoudeh
A book review by Nayereh Tohidi: The Prison Letters is a collection of...

بیانیه فعالان فمینیست: اعدام هرگز و برای هیچ‌کس

بیانیه فعالان فمینیست: اعدام هرگز و برای هیچ‌کس
ما با مادرانی که در مقابل اوین حضور یافتند، همراه می‌شویم. در کنار همسران‌ زندانیانی می‌ایستیم که ما را به یاری فراخوانده‌اند و به این طریق همراه و هم‌صدای تمام کسانی هستیم که به حکم اعدام یک «نه» مطلق می‌گویند.

Narges Mohammadi, a prominent women’s rights and human rights activist won the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize

Narges Mohammadi, a prominent women’s rights and human rights activist won the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize
In awarding the prize to Mohammadi, the Nobel Committee said it “recognizes the hundreds of thousands of people who in the preceding year have demonstrated against the theocratic regimes’ policies of discrimination and oppression targeting women.”
We believe that women are vehicles of equality, development and peace and in order to ensure world peace and progress, women’s human rights and women’s empowerment must be at the forefront of all social, political, and economic agendas. Our vision is to engage in culture building and creating new images and new dialogue that will foster gender equality one step at a time one woman at the time.